Reporting on A.I. Hall of Fame

15 great descriptions of AI tools in action, selected from 100s of candidates representing 80+ publications worldwide.

Aspen Digital

2023 Winner from F&D Magazine

Reporting on AI Hall of Fame

In late 2023 and early 2024, Aspen Digital put out a public call for submissions of excellent descriptions of artificial intelligence (AI) in reporting from 2023. From hundreds of excerpts representing over 80 different publications ranging from student papers to international mainstream press, we chose 15 winners.

What makes it great

In this excerpt, Wagstaff centers the entity using the tool (“Ukraine”), specifies the type of technology being used (“AI-based voice recognition and translation software”), and explains what the technology is being used for (“to monitor … communications and extract actionable intelligence”). The last sentence in the excerpt similarly centers a human actor (“programmers”) and explains how the technology is being used (“to help its drones evade Russian jamming”), though it would be even stronger if the author specified what type of AI tool is being used.

What the winner has to say

“AI is not a distant concept. It is fundamentally changing our lives at a clip we’ve never experienced. To allow those developing AI to lead debate about its future is an error we may not get a chance to correct.”

— Jeremy Wagstaff

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