Reporting on A.I. Hall of Fame

15 great descriptions of AI tools in action, selected from 100s of candidates representing 80+ publications worldwide.

Aspen Digital

2023 Winner from Duke University School of Medicine

Reporting on AI Hall of Fame

In late 2023 and early 2024, Aspen Digital put out a public call for submissions of excellent descriptions of artificial intelligence (AI) in reporting from 2023. From hundreds of excerpts representing over 80 different publications ranging from student papers to international mainstream press, we chose 15 winners.

What makes it great

In this excerpt, Spivey uses scare quotes to qualify verbs that personify an AI tool (“train” and “learn”). Although the excerpt has some personifying language (“asks”), the last sentence centers the people using the tool (“researchers”), specifies what type of technology the researchers are using (“protein language models”), and explicitly describes what the technology is being used to do (“predict interactions between proteins and potential drugs”).

What the winner has to say

“I’m no AI expert but asking questions and trying to understand it in plain language is the only way we can make good decisions as it increasingly becomes part of our lives.”

— Angela Spivey

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